If you want happiness for free just grow them

If you want happiness for free just grow them

Beard is a style statement which enhance and enrich one’s persona thousand times if one mastery the secret of grooming them well. Irrelevant of age and complexion beard is something which speak of your personality without letting you involve verbally. So gents treat your beards as baby and it will keep you in game.

Disclaimer: This article doesn’t promote gender masculinity or discrimination of any appearance.

Beards are new identity

Beards are new identity

This article covers all the bits and nuts of the beard. Everyone wants to grow beards but just growing them is not enough, one should know the exact science and proper grooming regime to keep it edgy and rich.

1. The Science of beard

The growth of beard is due to the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from which testosterone is generated from an enzyme present in a hair follicle oil gland.

Testosterone is responsible for facial growth and higher the testosterone in your body bulkier and denser will be the beards.

Generally, at a younger age at the threshold of puberty, the testosterone is released so in general small traces of facial hair is encountered from 7th or 8th grade. Mostly the growth of beards is dependent on genetics you have received. If your father or grandfather are blessed with hair then you can grow beards easily in comparison to those who are restricted.

But one should never give up, proper nutrition and exercise can help in mobilizing the raise of testosterone and further will reward with invincible beards.  

2. Know your face and then choose your beard style

This is the most basics of the beard community but the irony is very few follow. Most of the people just grow the beard without knowing their face cut and identical style which can make you look miserable believe me.

Majorly face cuts are round, oval, square, and rectangle as per cheekbone length, forehead, and jawline. To know your face shape please refer.

Still confuse no problem please check out youtube videos but knowing your face shape is very important. Now select your beard style as below as per your face shape.

3. Just let them grow

However, whatever or in any dimension your beards grow just let it grow don’t shave because to prepare the roadmap one should know the growth ratio it may vary person to person. Better hide your shaving kit.

This is the most difficult phase because a person looks insane, and especially Indian parents will term you as sadhus or unhygienic who is going through depression. I have faced such comments believe me!

Most important is to stop comparing your beard growth with others this is not a test paper dude it’s the biology of testosterone which is not in your control. Embrace your beards and focus on portion where growth is in abundance. If you cannot grow a full beard it’s fine, go for a stubble look or any short beard look, play with your style and make it a signature look.

Pro tip: There is a wrong myth in the market that regular shaving of beards increases the density but it’s the wrong science, avoid it.

4. Nutrients and balanced diet

Balanced diet loaded with protein, vitamins, and minerals which promote hair growth acts as fuel for beards. Your beard is an offspring of what you eat. Add more fruits and veggies in your shopping list.

PROTEIN– It helps in the regulation of testosterone and production of keratin which promotes hair growth. Add egg whites, chicken breast lean protein, lentils are good options.

ZINC– Zinc improves the beard quality by giving it natural color. Mushrooms, tofu, yogurt, pumpkin seeds, oysters, and chicken are good to go.

IRON– Iron is an essential part of the diet which is often ignored. It generates hemoglobin which are oxygen carriers in our body that stimulate beard growth. Adding seafood, beans, spinach, raisins, apricots is a smart move.

Vitamin AVitamin A produces sebum a type of oil and improves blood circulation which strengthens hair growth. Carrots, papaya, spinach, broccoli, and sweet potatoes are good sources.

Keeping body hydrated is important which keep temperature of body in control and is ideal for beard growth. So carrying a personal water bottle with your beard is a smart move.

5. Exercise, sleep and healthy lifestyle

EXERCISE– Adding exercise to daily lifestyle helps in the overall development body. Compound exercises like push up, pull up, deadlift, chest press, shoulder press, powerlifting mobilize the level of testosterone which enhances the beard growth.

For beginners start with freehand push-up and pull-up then with the help of a trainer and right knowledge go for weight exercises like deadlift or powerlifting.

SLEEP– Every day 6 to 8 hours of sleep is very crucial for the recovery of the body and further this promotes the increase of beard. The temperature of the body is low which enhances the flow of hemoglobin and blood reaches to hair follicles which results in growth.

give all the possible happy and healthy lifestyle to your beards

give all the possible healthy and happy lifestyle to your beards

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE– One should cut down toxic habits like smoking and drinking which contaminate blood flow and reduce life span. Avoid junk and oily foods which results in bad fats in our body. Have a properly balanced lifestyle that keeps you away from stress. Spend quality time with self and family and focus on mental health.
Gift your beards a healthy and happy life and I promise, your beards will never go out of fashion.

Also read our: Entertainment >> Lifestyle 

YouTube: Storytelling >> Motivation


Now the beards are grown but maintenance is a very tedious task, many people give up if it itches, burns, or enters inside mouth while eating. Now grooming comes into picture, proper grooming routine gifts your beard with a healthy and happy life and aging is just a number for you if you master the grooming game. Follow below steps and listen your beards.

6. Selecting Beard Products

Beard Wash– When beards are exposed outside it tends to become dirty. Selecting beard wash driven less on cosmetic ingredients helps the removal of unwanted dust in the roots of beards.

Washing beard with regular hair shampoo can damage beard because the scalp on the head is different from the skin under the beard. Regular hair shampoo can eliminate hair oil which results in the growth of beard.

Beard Oil– Beard oil is used for moisturizing and it softens the skin under beard which is never exposed. Although it is not scientifically proven that beard oil promotes hair growth but adding it in kit keeps our beard soft and away from damage

While selecting beard oil make sure to read the ingredients and it should have a proper amount of biotin and keratin which is good for hair.

Beard Wax– It is a styling product that gives a sharp and edgy look to your beard. Take a pinch of wax on your palm and rub it utterly until warmth and apply it from roots of the beard if you regularly wash your beard else apply on the outer length and give shape with help of comb.

Beard Softener– It is cherry on a cake if your beards get dry or too rigid beard softener can make your beard smooth like butter. It is an alternative to beard wax. Before picking examine the mentioned ingredients try to be on the more natural side.

7. When budget is the issue?

What to do when having a beard kit is a troublesome? No worries I can understand for students and college guys it’s hard to invest but there is always away. When there is a will there is a beard.

Domestic remedies– Buy a castor oil that is thick in appearance and coconut oil.

Before applying oil wash beards with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo make sure the shampoo is not hard. Dry your beard with a clean towel.

Take one full big tablespoon of castor and coconut oil each on your palm, mix it utterly and thoroughly apply it in roots of beards and massage it for a few minutes.

Try to follow this remedy at night when you are going for bed or on holidays and make sure to wash it or else the oil stinks and attract dust particles.

8. How to deal with itching, burns and discomfort?

When you grow a beard discomfort on the skin, itching and burns are very common. After a span of exposure, beards attract pollutants that get rooted in the skin which create an itches and discomfort.

Listen to your beards and wash them with lukewarm water and dry them immediately. The habit of washing beards twice in a day with lukewarm water is a healthy practice to avoid discomfort and spread of germs on the surface.

FACTS- Beards protect from UV rays and prevent skin cancer. Beards nourish the facial appearance of male skin tone.

9. The Art of Combing

Regular combing and brushing your facial hair is a magical secret that makes the beard appearance cleaner and longer. Generally, when beards grow few inches long it tends to grow in different irregular directions and form a wave.

Regular combing avoids hair to accumulate and beards speak the language of freedom by blooming out.

Try to have combs that are free from producing static charges in contact to your beards which can break them, a wooden comb is a good option.

10. Trimming and Shaping your beards

Regular trimming of beards removes the unwanted extra hair which appears like a mane. Trimming and shaping beards frequently symbolizes the hygiene of an individual.

Try to make a barber as your best friend who understands your beards and use their skill to enhance the appearance by shaping an accurate neckline just above your adam’s apple.

The below video will show how to shape your beards correctly.

Bonus tips from the Author

-> Irreverent of any face shape try to make beard as ducktail look i.e more hair on chin pointed down.
-> If the face is rounded then keep less hair on the cheek and more hair on the chin.
-> Try to have a low fade haircut which boosts sideburns of beard.
-> While taking pictures click your beards from left or right cheek-side focusing the sideburn area.

Welcome to the Beardo community.

100 days challenge, have a happy beard day!